
I think I can I think I can

So less than a month is left of summer break, and I just can't believe it. It has gone by so fast and I'm dreading going back to school and studying until I go crazy. We still have a trip to Chicago so I'm hanging onto that! There are lots of things that I wanted to get done this summer so I have been trying to keep busy in getting them done.

I tried my hand at making an apron. I thought this would be easy and fun to make. Mmmm reading patterns is not my thing, and it was not always fun. I did finally finish though, and I'm pretty happy about it.

It's bigger than I wanted. I even tried making it smaller than it told me.
The sides where the neck/ back ties slide through are pesky lil things!
Believe it or not, I am still working on the trunk. I shamefully took a break from it for a few weeks because it's just so hot outside. The paint and stain stripper are taking a lot longer than I thought. The wheels are horrible and just will not let go of the bright red paint. I will finish this though! It has to get done before school starts. It will! It will!

This is with the paint remover gunk
Yes even the inside of the wheels are this fantastic red......Ugh!
 Kev and I went home a few weeks ago and look at this precious thing my grandmother gave me! This is a quilt that my great grandmother made. I think we said it had to at least be 40 or 50 years old.

My grandmother stitched "Great Grandmother Jewel Bevill Curlin"
Here is a small section of it. So cute!
Oh ya and from two posts ago, I found the perfect spot for my little shadow box!

There are a few more sewing things I want to do but I'm waiting for JoAnn's to open on Friday! I can't wait. You can call me strange...

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